Bleach RP Wiki

The (王属特務, Ōzokutokumu; translated as "Royal Special Task Force", literally translated as "King Subordinate Secret Service") also known as the (零番隊, Zerobantai), is an organization that is dedicated to the protection of the Soul King, the Royal Family, and the Soul King Palace.


The Royal Guard is a special organization that performs services for the Royal Family. It has a considerable amount of fighting, organizational, and executive power compared to other organizations.

They are also charged with slaying Menos Grande, though the circumstances under which they do so are unknown.

Since serving the royal family is the primary purpose of the Royal Guard, they don't interfere in Gotei 13's affairs and the defense of Soul Society They are known to do whatever is required by order of the Soul King.

The Royal Guards authority supersedes the authority of all within Soul Society. Each member of the Royal Guard have had the power of the Ōken imparted onto their bones by the Soul King. They also each have a city of their own at the Soul King Palace.


The Royal Guard commonly stays within the Soul King Palace, but when they do travel, their preferred method of transportation is a huge pillar called the (天柱輦, Heavenly-Pillar Palanquin). This pillar enters from the inner dimension and lands with significant force upon its arrival. The Tenchūren, however, does not have the ability to return to the palace on its own. Someone can be returned to the Soul King Palace if the (超界門, Super World Gate) is opened, but it can only be opened by syncing the arrival and departure times. They are able to take stairs down to the Seireitei, though it will take anywhere from half a day to a week of travel to get there.


The Royal Guard is known to promote former captains of the Gotei 13 to their ranks. The Royal Guard has no soldiers, and it only has 5 members, all of which are former Captains. Their total power far surpasses the power of all the 13 Divisions together.


All the members of the Royal Guard, were Shinigami acknowledged by the Soul King to have made significant contributions to the history of Soul Society.


Like the divisions of the Gotei 13, the Royal Guard also has a unique symbol that represents the division's primary role, which is in its case based upon the (沈丁花, Jinchōge). This symbol is placed inside the Gotei 13 symbol of a rhombus to form the division's complete insignia, which is displayed upon each member's haori.

Title Name Former Division Creation Physical Description
The Rock Unknown Division 11 Unknown Dwayne Johnson
Iron Man Unknown Division 12 Unknown Robert Downey Jr.
Bruce Dickinson Unknown Division 9 Unknown Christopher Walken